Conference Posters

iVAPOR Closing Session

Live Posters and Invited Session by of Ana Paula Giacomassi Luciano Ph.D. and Arquimedes Luciano Ph.D. from AREA educational in Brazil via Gather.Town

Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 6:00pm

Name Slack Channel Poster Name
Alicia M. Moreno #z01-moreno-history-crt-restorativejustice Education as a Mechanism of Restorative Justice Via Critical Race Theory
Paulina Salinas #z02-salinas-interdisciplinary-learning-engineer Impact of Technology in Education Science and Active Learning Instruction
Jason Madden #z03-madden-curriculum-biology-evolution Darwin’s Worst Nightmare?
John Espinoza #z04-espinozaetal-steam-identity-girls-k5-museumed Promoting Young Girls’ STEM Identities Through Caregiver Engagement
Aaron Galliher, M.A. #z05-galliherandbeavers-modelelicitingactivity-arts-music-arts Transcribing a model: Utilizing a model-eliciting activity in a music classroom
John Espinoza #z06-espinozaetal-steamed-informaled Enhancing Art in Transdisciplinary STEAM Education: A Lesson Plan on Music, Science, and Technology
Sibel Lacquement, M.A Curriculum and Instruction&iSTEM Certification/Alexa Brown, M.A Curriculum&iSTEM Certification/Crystal Vasquez, M.A Curriculum and Instructions&iSTEM Certification/Anh Pham, M.A Curriculum and Instruction&iSTEM Certification #z07-lacquemenetal-misconceptions-science-elementary-lesson Misconceptions in Science
Sibel Lacquement, M.A Curriculum and Instruction&iSTEM Cer./Alexa Brown, M.A Curriculum and Instruction&iSTEM Cer./Crystal Vasquez, M.A Curriculum and Instruction&iSTEM Cer./Anh Pham, M.A Curriculum and Instruction&iSTEM Cer./Nathaniel Rodriguez, M.A Curriculum and Instruction&iSTEM Cer. #z08-lacquementetal-steam-attitudes-elementary Restorative Practices in STEAM Education
Jessica Tenorio #z09-tenorio-socialstudies-activism-socialmedia Young Adults Using Social Media as a Tool for Political Activism
Ashlee Weber #z10-weber-augmentedreality-motivation-retention-elementary Augmented Reality in the Classroom
GLORIOUS ASANTEWAA #z11-asantewaa-educational
Deanna M. Flood, M.A. #z12-flood-stem-mentoring-connectedness Lesson Planning for a STEM Cross-Aged Peer Mentoring Program
Victor Feagins #z13-feaginsandcarmona-metaanalysis-systematicreviews-stats Extending Systematic Reviews: The Benefits of Meta Analysis in Educational Research
Gabrielle Wenske #z14-wenske-autism-languagedevelopment-speechdelay Unpacking the Development of Receptive and Expressive Language Development in Individuals with Autism
Eric Miguel Massey #z15-masseyandtrepal-undergraduates-sexualviolence-health Sexual Violence and Academic Performance during Undergraduate Studies
Sofia Santillan Wilson #z16-wilsonetal-collaboration-performance-perception The Influence of Task Self and Team Perception on Post-Test Content Knowledge
Jordan Davis #z17-davis-music-funding-assessment Music and its Monetary Mystery
Joshua Chaj Ulloa #z18-chajulloaetal-collegereadiness-alumni-highschool The Creation of a Social Alumni Network for Enhancing High School First-Generation Minority Groups College Readiness Preparation
Paola Montufar Soria #z19-montufarsoriaandchavez-interview-teachers-crp Using a Clinical Interview Framework to Examine Teacher Interpretations about Culturally Relevant Pedagogy
Alondra Gonzalez #z20-gonzalez-specialeducation-autism-women Uncommon or Underdiagnosed? The Effectiveness of the Current Diagnostic Criteria for Autism Spectrum Disorder in Women
Maria Miranda #z21-miranda-heritagelanguage-bilingual Supporting, Maintaining, And Developing the Spanish Language in Heritage Learners
Cameron Bryce Purifoy #z22-purifoyandryan-socialstudies-placebasededucation Place-Based Education in Social Studies
Abby Suneson #z23-suneson-interactivesteam-binary-hands-on Making Learning Genuine
Sebastian Velez #z24-velezandvielma-engineering-minority-stem An Exploratory Study on Factors Impacting Women and Underrepresented Minorities’ Persistence in the STEM Workforce
Paola Montufar Soria #z25-barajasetal-bilingual-stem-rolemodels Connecting Tomorrow’s Scientists to Today’s Cutting Edge Research: A Science Communication Lesson Plan for Emergent Bilingual 4th Grade Students