P-20 Pathways Theme
Visit our Pathways Fellows page to know more about the P-20 research theme they are conducting!
Here are some of our fellows’ research statements:
Through my research I will be able to gain knowledge of strategies and practices I can implement in my own classroom to ensure that students from inequitable backgrounds are able to thrive academically and emotionally.

I want to focus my research on alternative pedagogical methods because of the current educational system. Teachers are only required to have 70% of their students passing standardized tests. Therefore, I want to be able to change this system by researching an educational paradigm shift where educators take approaches from special education into the mainstream classroom.

As a society, we place a big emphasis on educational backgrounds, but foster care students are usually left out of the conversation. These children not only change schools often, they change geographical locations, more than that they change families. I am working on a way to make their education a source of continuity in their life. I am working on giving them agency over their education.
