Hello, my name is Yuliza Villa Jaimes. I was born and raised in Austin, Tx. I am a first gen student that holds a high school diploma from Lyndon Baines Johnson Early College High School and an Associates degree from Austin Community College. I am a Junior undergraduate student at The University of Texas San Antonio majoring in Interdisciplinary Studies with a concentration in EC-6 Bilingual Education.
My interest is the process of language learning in children from early childhood through sixth grade. Different educational programs for emergent bilingual cause different advantages and disadvantages, that is what intrigues me the most as a future bilingual educator. I myself have been a bilingual student all my life and I look forward to learning from everyone and conducting education research. My interest is the process of language learning in children from early childhood through higher education. Different educational programs for emergent bilinguals cause different advantages and disadvantages, this is what intrigues me the most as a future bilingual educator. Different bilingual programs throughout the globe are my main interests and I care about this because I want to find out what the best techniques are for my future classroom.