Bekisizwe Ndimande, PhD

Bekisizwe S. Ndimande (Ph.D. Curriculum & Instruction; University of Wisconsin-Madison) is Professor of Curriculum and Instruction in the Department of Interdisciplinary Learning and Teaching. His research interests span the fields of curriculum studies, education policy, multicultural education, children’s rights, and immigrant education. He has published several journal articles and book chapters, including Pedagogy of the Township, in Sonia Nieto (Ed .), Dear Paulo: Letters from Those who Dare Teach; Race and Resources, Race Ethnicity and Education; and Lutas Docentes nas Escolas Públicas para negros na África do Sul pós-apartheid, Cadernos de Educaçao, a Brazilian journal. Dr. Ndimande’s article, From Bantu Education to the Fight for Socially Just Education, which appeared in Equity & Excellence in Education journal, was among the 18 articles selected by Taylor & Francis Press as representative of the interdisciplinary nature of social justice studies. His research on decolonizing methodology was selected for use as a boxed example of creativity in research in Dr. Helen Kara’s book, Creative Research Methods in the Social Sciences: A Practical Guide, published by the University of Bristol Policy Press. Dr. Ndimande has collaborated with scholars from Brazil, Canada, South Africa, and Northern Ireland.