Alondra Gonzalez is a junior at the University of Texas at San Antonio, pursuing a Bacchelor’s degree in
Special Education EC-12. She has worked with children in many informal and formal education programs
throughout the years, most notably being San Antonio’s Children’s Museum, SA Youth, and within
Northside’s elementary campuses as a volunteer. Her drive to become an educator stems from a love of
seeing others reach their fullest potential and a need to patch the holes she herself fell into as a child with
an improperly diagnosed developmental disability in the American public school system. She intends to
pursue a Master’s degree in Educational Psychology or Educational Policy in order to gain both the
knowledge and experience needed to push for education reform and allow her students the means to
change their futures.
I am interested in finding more consistent ways of identifying developmental disorders such as ADHD,
ADD, autism, and dyslexia in young girls. A lot of data found on autism and ADHD has been biased
towards male behavior, because most research was conducted with male individuals thus skipping over
possible subtleties of neurodivergency within young girls. Looking into this oversight would provide more
well-rounded or more specific interventions to prevent further large achievement gaps, instances of low
self-esteem, and higher rates of mental illness.